Thursday, January 03, 2008

A hope forgone..

Voila!!...There she was again...
Hi, i told her, its been a while...

5 years i guess is a lot,
She said a 'Hi', and I knew something was right.

But a lot has not happened in those years,
The love has faded off in those years.

I stole a look, but looking into her eyes was never so tough,
That's when I realized.

She returns not to be,
She returns to say good bye.


anupsu said...

Ok..finally a quality post in this blog. I might also add that those sly looks that u stole have not gone unnoticed by the likes of me who was present on the day in which these thoughts shaped up in ur mind.

Darkness and deep said...

@ su: that was like a slap and a compliment at one shot..... I am sorry but u are grossly mistaken...its just fiction.

Golf Oscar Delta said...

What!!! you gave up so easily after 5+ years? [0]

Think of Scottish King David and the spider story.

Think of Raikonen - he lost for 5 yrs but didnt give up hope and still won.[1]

After all evil, Hope was the last thing that came out of the pandoras box... likewise the best is yet to come.... [2]

".. if u want something badly, then pray for it, the universe will put all its force to get u that...." [3]

"its just fiction" is a fiction right?

Ok thats enough crap that i have crapped about....But if that was actually a good bye
then its
"Legen" ........ wait for it .......... "dary" [4]

You can be my wingman now.... [4]

[0] Me
[1] Some Arbit Newspaper
[2] Some Dudes before the Jee man, The Bible, some arbit B.C.
[3] Some Arbit Awesome Philospohical Dude, God Knows when A.D.
[4] Stinson B., "How I Met your Mother", CBS, 2005-07

Darkness and deep said...

Thanks, i am honoured to be u r wingman...
suit up... shall we mate?!!

Somebody said...

Looks like a straight-from-heart post! You have put it all succinctly and anyone can connect to it ;)

Darkness and deep said...

@sanket .. smirk.... by the way listen to james blunt 'you're beautiful'..

incredible said...

fiction too .. good :)

Praz said...

you're a scap-man!

atwice said...

Its beautiful... but sad.

Darkness and deep said...

i dont think it is sad... :)
and praz u are the scap man... not me :P

Shoma said...

Very Neruda-ish :) Whoa :) Love poet amongst us :)

Darkness and deep said...

where da love poet, more like heart broken.