Friday, October 12, 2007

Chauvinists and fads...

I feel like an ultra frigging male 'chauvinist'. Especially when your best friend tells his sister that he is going out with me but is actually going out with his girlfriend. :). Fine thats all right no problem dude, have a great evening.
But wait there is a problem, for the rest of the day i am a chauvinist. Yayi!! so how can i piss some girls around. Here comes to my help the greatest kid ever drawn, yup calvin. read this..

Buahahahaa.. ROTFAFAL.. yesss.. for all the girls who think calvin is cute and i am too(!!!).. take that. Its the greatest irony, just do this, search for all the profiles that have Calvin or Hobbes as their profile pic, count how many of them are girls and viola 90% turn out to be females.

Fine ok ok.. i get it you guys like the comic and dont care what the charecter says or feels. Then it says it all and I made my point. I rest the case.



incredible said...

off course even i like Calvin for his mischief , but don't make that as a basis to piss girls off ! beware :)
and i feel that 'the friend' is u'r core team mate :D

Arvind Krishna said...

lol...too the words of the big lebowski, "...he treats objectx like women, dude."

Darkness and deep said...

@incredible.. nopes not that guy..
@arvind.. lol

Sawanda said...

come man calvin!

cupped crusader said...

methinks me needs no special effort to piss girls off...moreover i must have inspired you to write this one being the chauvinist that i am...

Unknown said...

Some girls thinking that Calvin is soooo cute, even though he thinks very little of them.

Ah, the sweet irony.

Golf Oscar Delta said...

loser tell ur sister....

Be a man!!!


VT-GOD here

Ashes are gone, they blogged here said...

get a gf man.. then tell your sis you're going out with your gf and go out with your best friend instead..

Darkness and deep said...

@ yak - dude as far as I and some more people know.. u are a hypocrite chauvinist.. :P ...
@ Tarun R - U hit the Nail man!!!
@ Ashish - Thanks dude .. really helpful thought... :P

Somebody said...

Dude, there is an unmistakable resemblance between Calvin and you ;)